Hot Chip Tickets
Fox Theater Oakland | Oakland, California
This upcoming Wednesday 25th September 2019 is the day that Oakland California will never forget, because Hot Chip is coming for a live concert performance at the Fox Theater Oakland stage. Already, this outstanding concert hall is being prepared for the expected sold-out crowd that will be rushing to be the first to snap photos of this rising music sensation. BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY!
"15 years on and with a new album on the way, Hot Chip still have the ability to shock"
Back on the scene with a brand-new record, Hot Chip are pulling new music out of the wood work and bringing their fans an exciting year to get involved with, their 2019 North American tour dates have now been announced and this Fall is shaping up to be one of their best tours of all time!
During the time of the mid-naughties Indie Pop was all that we could talk about within the music scene and leading that hype was of course the incredible band, Hot Chip as they released their groundbreaking singles and albums and joined the likes of Artic Monkeys in the genre. Hot Chip were the name on everybody's lips and they were such an important part to the movement. Since then, Indie is still very much a part of any local music scene, but the mainstream has taken its toll and things have developed and changed as they always do. Now back with a fresh pair of eyes, Hot Chip are exploring new rhythms and a slightly different soundscape to bring their music up to date. Fans are well and truly getting a piece of brand new information when it comes to their much loved band…
Get ready to be blown away by what Hot Chip have been working on – there's plenty of surprises in store for their 2019 US and World Tour dates and we can't wait to see what's coming next!! Fox Theater Oakland is the place to be!